September Thoughts

I know we are all saying it, but I can't believe it is September. Where did the summer go? It's not like it's a new phenomenon, but I am still shocked when I walk into a store and see Halloween decorations popping up in August.

This is a time when I practice living presently and mindfully. It is easy to look at our calendars and begin the spiral of planning, scheduling, stressing, and mentally rushing through the fall into the holidays, and then BAM, we are at the end of the year. Don't get me wrong, I love a good planner/calendar and keep a pencil at the ready in case I need to change an appointment or squeeze one more event into that small square on the month at a glance page. But remembering to just live in the moment of that single day is a practice that I have committed. 

Living in the moment also means living for you. As we make plans and schedules, most of this effort is for those that we love and support. How often do you schedule time for yourself? Are you willing to take that pencil and dedicate a piece of that white square for yourself? Are you ready to make yourself a priority on that month-at-a-glance or at least as necessary as the list of to-do's that are for those that you love and support.  In BUDIKA, we take our first of three closing breaths to remind us that we must first take care of ourselves to be there for those we share our lives with. When you value your time, others will value it as well. It is an example to demonstrate to those around you that you are willing to practice self-care, awareness, and balance as you make time for mental, emotional, physical well-being.

As the kids go back to school, travel a bit less, and get back to the busy schedule of life, remember that you should be included in that schedule. Commit to taking a walk, listen to music, garden, take a class or simply take time out to meditate. Whatever you choose to do, commit to making it just as important as any other appointment or event on that month-at-a-glance. Write it down and make it a thing. You are worth it. 

With love and gratitude,

Elease + the be team


October Thoughts


August Thoughts