October Thoughts

October has arrived. In my mind, October is the gateway to the holiday season and I am so excited for the opportunity to experience what we may have missed last year.

In 2020, we were restricted from experiencing many activities that were traditions and habits. This year, we have the opportunity to only invite back the events, traditions, and experiences that will bring us joy, and peace. Just because we can do more, doesn’t mean we have to. 2020 was the year for creating minimalism in our physical space and material things. 2021 is the year we choose to declutter experiences.

I hope that in the coming months, you will continue to make your wellness and joy a priority. It is so easy to put yourself last on the list and show up for everyone else. Take time for yourself and the things that are important to you.

We are keeping it light at MBDY + be. We know that this season brings its own stresses. We want to be where you can come to connect, let your stress subside, and just have some fun. Keep an eye out for fun, stress-free events coming your way.

As always, thank you for your continued support.

With love and gratitude,

Elease + the be team


November Thoughts


September Thoughts