November Thoughts

The obvious theme of November is Gratitude. As we gather with family and friends for Thanksgiving, we are encouraged to be grateful for what we have and find contentment in our current circumstances. For myself, the practice of offering gratitude is easier than receiving it.

How often do we allow ourselves to be the focus of someone’s gratitude without a qualifier or humble denial?

Think of a moment when you extended gratitude to a friend. I am sure you gave a genuine message that was heartfelt. But when it is directed toward us we often deflect, project, and reject. We are caught off guard, possibly untrusting of the offering, or feel unworthy of the gesture. This is where the practice of receiving creates a relationship of gratitude and respect.

As we practice awareness for who and what we are thankful for, let us also practice receiving messages of gratitude. You have so much to offer, and others recognize it and want to acknowledge it. Give them the opportunity to honor and be grateful for you and all that you do.

I am grateful for each of you and the support you offer. MBDY + be would not be a safe and supportive space without you and the way you show up every day.

With Gratitude,
Elease and the MBDY + be Team


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October Thoughts