August Thoughts

Here we are...August 2021.  I woke up last week while we were still in July and found myself in an unsure moment of re-experiencing.  I began to slip down a slope of anxiety and fear that felt all too familiar. Like many of you, I felt and spoke aloud - I don't know if can do this again.  I took a deep breath and I asked myself, what do I know for sure.  What skills have I learned, and what can constants can I rely on? I know many of you are feeling the uncertainty of what may happen, the weight of having to be the strength for family and friends, and in some cases the voice of reason and logic.  

Let's first focus on the fact that we are not in the same situation we were in just a year ago.  We have data, information, and tools to guide us as we navigate the next evolution of this experience. Let's focus on what we know.  Spend your energy on creating an experience of wellness and clarity.  There are strategies we can use to ease the emotional and mental stress that comes with constant information download and the trap of “what if” thinking.  

  1. Mindfulness - This does not need to be a grand gesture. Begin with one or two minutes per day of quiet mindfulness. Stay focused on the present moment without self-judgment or the fear that you are not doing it right. Our mindful moments should be as unique and individual as we are. Your time is your time spend it authentically.

  2. Exercise - Research has shown that physical exercise is a powerful better coping mechanism for stress. Psychologists suggest that just a 10-minute walk per day can benefit our mood and help to relieve anxiety and depression. Find an activity that makes you smile and feels more like recess used to feel. Your exercise should not feel like punishment or drudgery.

  3. Relationships - Reach out and let your friends and family and let them know how you are feeling. Be honest about what you can give and what you need to receive. Relationships should be reciprocal and you may be in a space where you need. Don't be afraid to ask for what you need or offer what you have to give. Honor your boundaries and levels.

As we move into this last month of summer and prepare for the fall I want you to know that I am aware of what needs to be done to keep our studio safe and open. I have immense gratitude for our community and how we show up for each other.  Keeping our space open and available for all is my ultimate goal.  We will continue to monitor the situation and follow the guidelines from the county of San Diego.  We will continue to keep outdoor classes on the schedule. Indoor classes will be held with the doors open, the fans on, and our UVC light and Hepa filter constantly filtering our air.  

We have so much to look forward to. Let's stay positive and focused on what we know and what is working.  I look forward to seeing you through the month of August as we celebrate our Bead Challenge on 8/20 and share a day of wellness and re-grand opening on 8/28.  Details to follow. 


Be well,



September Thoughts


Summer Movement Challenge