April Thoughts

Spring.  A time to awaken from winter’s hibernation and emerge refreshed and renewed. Like burrowed animals, we poke our noses out to see if it is safe to return to the surface.  But not without a heightened awareness and a level of caution. And the fear is not only centered around our physical wellbeing, but our emotional and mental health as well.  I know that I have had moments of anxiety as I begin to accept that my life will soon return to a more energetic and somewhat chaotic pace as the world returns to normal.  I have moments of joy, elation, and impatience as we emerge from the pandemic lockdown into normalcy.  But I also have moments of fear, anxiety, and stress as I think about the steam roll that will begin when we do return to normal. If I am honest - I have to admit that there were aspects of the pandemic lockdown that served me. The questions I ask myself… am I holding onto fear and anxiety because they serve a purpose, or is the fear rational and used appropriately? What exactly am I afraid of?

Uncovering my fears and anxieties is a daily practice.  I do not want to be controlled by them and I do not want to give them the power or energy that I need in other parts of my life. 

And so I ask myself these questions daily. 

What/Who am I avoiding?

What am I procrastinating about?

Why am I impassioned about a certain thing/event?

What thing/event do I feel out of control of?

There is a true power within us to create wellness, heal, and live in love and fearlessness. But this is not possible without first being honest about what we fear. Acknowledging the fear - but not dwelling on it - will keep a healthy balance of risk, reward, energy, and outcome. 

We are a community like no other and we honor the wellbeing of others at MBDY + be. I invite you to support one another as we move through the next round of changes in our daily lives.  The next few months will challenge us once again as we see our lives shift and change. I hope that we will meet each other with patience, kindness, and understanding, and without fear or judgement.  Please check in with each other whenever you can.  Listen and support each other as we release fear and embrace the changes.


May Thoughts


March Thoughts