January Thoughts

“I now see how owning our story and loving ourselves through that process is the bravest thing that we will ever do.”― Brene Brown

2020, it will be known for so many things. The year of awareness, change, loss, and a Global Pandemic. We have been pushed to our limits and asked to do more than ever before to support our families and communities near and far. And in the process of doing the right things and what was required - many of us have felt a different kind of loss. The loss of self and the things that we were asked to put aside. 

As 2020 closes, we are letting out a collective sigh and in unison saying “good riddance, don’t let the door hit you on the way out." This is the time of year when we are often creating a list of changes, a new exercise schedule, a diet that promises results this time or a new daily ritual that will solve everything.  But if 2020 has taught us anything, it's that we can evolve when the need arises. And just because things have always been done a certain way doesn’t mean that that way is still working. And so this year let’s adopt a new tradition. Instead of a Resolution, let’s RECLAIM. Reclaim something we seem to have lost during the pandemic, while we were fighting to keep our sanity, patience, and grace. 

 This is an opportunity to reclaim only those parts of you and your life that serve to lift you up and keep you balanced and happy. Actively take back something that was already yoursTrust that you know what it is that you need to live your best life. There’s a place within you, a universal wisdom that knows your needs. Listen to your intuition and reclaim only what you most desire.

Just as we have been there to support each other through 2020, it is my sincerest wish that we reclaim what we choose, show up with courage, strength, and grace, and continue to thrive as a community into 2021 and beyond. 


Happy New Year!


MBDY + Be.